Monday, April 30, 2012

The time is now

Hey guys, I know I haven't posted in a while [imissyou2] but .... school is officially over! Going back to school was harder than I thought it was going to be especially with work and trying to train. My priorities were completely flipped. I seriously praise all of you guys that work, go to school, take care of a family, and somehow manage to find the energy to come into the box day after day and kick ass.  Great job, keep at it, keep pushing, and keep motivating yourself to give 100% in everything, you are amazing.

June 20 will mark one year since I broke my wrist, a day I will never forget. And among many things, it means: Summer Crush.  I remember going last year as a spectator and being so upset that I couldn’t compete. I remember thinking “I wish that was me!” That drive is what pushed me to train hard and get ready for Clash of the Fittest. A year later and I still have that drive to train hard and be in that spot that I wanted so bad. And honestly, all I want is to get out there, give it my all and be part of such an amazing experience. I recommend to all of you girls that are thinking about competing but aren’t sure, to get out there and do it.  It is amazing. Not even jumping out of an airplane gave me the adrenaline rush that I get from walking up to the bar and waiting for that 3,2,1, go.  So 3 Months, 3 months of training hard, eating right, and building up that fire til Summer Crush.

This weekend that fire building started at Regionals.  Wowza, talk about amazing athleticism. This weekend inspired me to work harder and get better. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you can’t do something, not even yourself. Don’t ever watch someone compete and think that you can never do that because I guarantee that they were not born with the ability to do it, they busted their ass for it and you should too. I saw all of these girls doing Muscle ups like its nothing, and I thought to myself, “dam it I am never going to be able to get them!” But that was the wrong way to think. The hardest part is not always the physical, but the mental. I know that I have to go into the box and practice, and I will get frustrated, I will begin to think that I can’t but that’s when I’m going to have keep practicing and remember that I can. I know I will get them but it won’t happen overnight, I need to train hard, every time and stay positive. Get inspired. Set Goals. Work hard. Do not limit yourself and anything is achievable.

I’ll keep you guys posted on how training is going, and when I get those muscle ups!


  1. Great Post, very inspirational...

    "The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital".... <3

    "It is a rough road that leads to the heights of greatness."

    1. Thanks for reading Karina! So proud of you and what you have accomplished in such a short time. Keep pressing on, pushing hard, and staying strong - you got this girl =]

  2. I finally got a chance to read it. Great post. And i can related when yoiu want to compete and cant because of an injury. Im sure you'll do great in Aug :) Good luck and yes school, work, and family is hard. And i promise im trying to get better at making it to the box :)

    1. Thanks for reading! not sure who this is, be sure to write your name next time if you log in as anoymous lol. But thank you, i am nervous about summer crush, but as long as you guys are there for support i know i can do it =] keep getting to the box. no excuses! how does the quote go ?

      "wow i really regret that workout" said NO ONE!

