Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Being Sore Sucks

 Im sorry, but being sore sucks. Lol. 

Its been a year and a half since I started CrossFit, and before this I was a swimmer, played a little water polo, and ran cross county, so I’ve always been into sports but not matter what, I always get sore…always… and it always sucks.  But don’t get me wrong, as much as it sucks, I love it. Soreness means that I worked my ass off and always remind me of that “constantly varied” part of the CrossFit Definition.  I am not scared of being sore, I embrace it. Being sore is my body’s way of congratulating me for completing 160 over head squats.  [which suck more to do than being sore after lol] but now that I am sore and I’ve throw a little party in my head about how those over head squats were AMAZING, and DID NOT suck, how do I make the soreness go away!?!?! I’ll take any advice you guys might have, Lol I’ve tried everything from pills, to rubs, to baths, to rest. But I think what works the best for me is to #1: bitch about it ALLL day lol, then get back into the box the next day, work on mobility, hit another  WOD hard, and shift the soreness to another part of my body lol. I think the tricky part of this is knowing the difference between being sore and being in pain. Im still not great at recognizing the difference but I listen to my body, I try to be smart about scheduling my rest days, and I try not to let a little soreness stop me from getting to the box.  So embrace your soreness, it’s your body’s way of telling you, you rock! 


  1. I feel ya, but you are my motivation to keep going… You are the reason I even joined Crossfit, seeing your inspiration to keep going, fight harder and conquer anything you put your mind too inspires me to do the same… Pain is just weakness leaving the body :P

    "Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take it's place. If I quit, however, it will last forever." Lance Armstrong

    1. awwww lady! thank u so much <3 ... loving all your quotes btw, i might need to steal them ;)

  2. Im kicking my self because i should have gone heavier yesterday. I dont feel sore today and i should :(

    1. aww jess dont worry! im sure that if u were lighter on the load, that you went faster on the time. Sometimes you have to make the choice, you never want to go so heavy that a 10 min work out turns into 20 mintues. But do u have a journal? ... if you do, write that down, so next time u get to that movement you know for sure how much you should be loading! ... and if you dont have a journal, u better get one! $.99 at CVS =]
