Thursday, February 16, 2012

Are you ready?

So Caution Grounds is two days away now, my first Rx competition and I'm coming up against some pretty bad ass chicks and some crazy hard WODs. One of my resolutions for 2012 is to compete in the Rx division, here it is... and yes, im freaking out. I'm trying not to think about it, but its a pretty ridiculous feeling when I do. My hands get sweaty, my heart starts to beat faster, I even lose my breath. (its happening right now, lol).

So Everyone keeps asking me "are you ready?" I have no idea how to answer this question. The only response I can think of is to shrug and say yes. But really, how ready can you be for the unknown and unknowable? and how ready can you be to get your ass handed to you by a killer WOD, (5 of them actually)- not to mention that I signed up for this voluntarily. I think a better question is "how do you feel?" well frankly, I feel like crap, lol. My lower back is killing me, I'm still not completely over this cough, I should probably be eating better, I probably should have trained harder, probably shouldn't have drank so much at the last CFS social, and I probably should be taking more supplements (blog on supplements coming soon! lol).  But these things are only to be written down, thrown away, and never thought of again, because well... they are excuses, and in CF there are no excuses!  Let me say something about excuses: Excuses suck. Excuses only hold YOU back. The mind is a RIDICULOUSLY powerful thing, and accepting excuses as truths will only allow your mind to convince your body that whatever your up against isn't possible. So anytime you start to think of excuses, man up, and tell yourself no, do not allow yourself to accept an excuse as a truth and you'll be amazed at the things you can do. So no excuses. Everyday I've come in and I've done the best I could do... So can I put up the Rx weight? sure, some days yes, some days no, but I know I can. I know I will survive this competition, and it will help me grow as an athlete and as a person. Am I freaking out about the competition? of course! these are big girls lol, and I feel like a baby. But I also feel proud that I can stand right there with them, and I know that competing with them will push me harder than I can ever push myself.

So what now? Now, I will focus on relaxing, getting deep into that mental toughness, and remembering that I am going out there to have fun because CF is fun, and competition is even more fun! I love it, I thrive off it. Nothing feels more amazing than the adrenaline of competition.

And I just want to say one last thing, for everyone who is going to go out there on Saturday to support... thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. You don't realize how important you are. I remember during the last WOD at clash, my body literally started to shut down in pure exhaustion. I swear that I almost fell sleep during the lunges. The only thing that kept me going was your support. Every time someone would scream I would be reminded of my strength, my willingness to continue, to strive, to never stop, and never give up. So if  you see me on Saturday and I'm completely in "competition mode" and I forget to say thank you, I will tell you now: THANK YOU!


  1. Janet, you described exactly how I felt when I competed in the Civil War Games last weekend. I've only been crossfitting for 6 months, and there I was, surrounded by beasts. But the accomplishments you walk away with have nothing to do with whether you win or lose. It really is how the cliche says it is - It's how you play the game. Going in there with heart, drive, and knowing you left every bit of energy out there next to your barbell is really what matters! I had no idea you would be competing at Caution, but I'll be there! So, I'll definitely cheer you on from the sidelines. You won a competition once; you can win one again. But if you don't... never forget that you're still a winner.

  2. @ Cary : thanks for commenting! how was civil war games? im sure you did amazing! you dont know how proud of you I am ! No matter if its our first competition, or if we've been competing for years, we will always feel nervous and feel surrounded by beasts. - But that's what fuels us to push harder! I will def leave my heart on the ground and will push with every bit of energy! So glad your coming out, support is key <3 thanks. =]

    1. Thank you, Janet! You're one of the first people who made me go "hmmm" about Crossfit! I came in #13 out of 31 girls in the scaled division. But for me, it was #1! I was SURE that I'd come in LAST, but I did it anyway, just for the experience of it all. So, I'm definitely happy!! :) Can't wait to see you rock it. xoxo.

    2. great job! keep at it! remember it never gets easier, you only get better! <3
