Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Jenny commented on a post last week saying that she was having one of those days and wasn't very motivated to go to the box. But that her "best supporter," her husband mike encouraged her to go and in the end she was glad she did. (aren't we always?!) So when your having "one of those days," who or WHAT MOTIVATES YOU?

CrossFit can sometimes be a very individual "sport" (or "sport of fitness", but that's another blog lol). It pushes you and challenges you with every WOD to compete against yourself. But I have to admit that when one of my girls are suffering right next to me it makes it a lot more fun. Most of you guys know that I WOD with the morning classes because I work nights at the hospital. But when I have a day off I make sure to take the opportunity to call a "WOD date" with friends that I don't usually WOD with. Something about seeing a friend about to shed a tear from pain really motives me, call me evil =] 

But it doesn't always have to be "your girls" or your husband. Sometimes, especially when I see a WOD with heavy weight, I know that I gotta get my butt to the box by 830 so that I can WOD with Eric. I know he's crazy fast and super strong, and that I'll never beat him, but just attempting to catch him motivates me to push harder. And knowing that I'm WODing with such a great athlete puts pressure on me to give that little extra I didn't think I had.

So what else do we use for motivation? What about our #1 fans, our coaches? Always right behind you, always pushing, always yelling, they are amazing and some days I couldn't do it with out their motivation. I know sometimes I come in feeling a little "blah," a little tired, a little weak, and so just as if I would ask for help on my form, I ask whoever is coaching for an extra push and I let them know what works best for me. "Hey coach Mikey, get in my face today I really need it." Some times its one of those "be careful what you wish for" things when your swinging a 55# KB and he's yelling "don't you drop it!" after each rep - why doesn't he just walk away already so that I can drop it?!! But that's why I love our coaches, because they want to motivate you and they want to push you to be your best.

So whether its your family, your friends, or your coaches, we all need motivation some days. So figure out what works for you. If you did amazing today because Mikey wouldn't get off your back- write it down in your WOD journal and next time your having "one of those days, " tell him thank you, let him know it worked and that you would be happy to be screamed at again =]

Great job to everyone who participated in today's WOD "Isabel," way to motivate your partner!


  1. Great post Janetssa! Im definitely one of those who prays for mikey to walk away but some how I don't know why I'm always on his radar.... Lol. I think what makes our box special are the coaches and the athletes. If a coach is not pushing me, another member is. Thats what keeps me going.

    ~ Brandy

  2. @brandy: your right! we have such a tight box that when a coach isnt on your radar, a member is - its great! =] thanks for posting =]

  3. This is a great point that Janetssa brings up. Their are a lot of times that stormers just lack the motivation to come to the box. Those days that we are lacking the motivation to come to the box are the days that we NEED to get to the box. Just remember, we have a lot of coaches at our facility that will motivate you. If you're having one of those rough days, come up to one of the coaches and let them know. Or come in and WoD with your friend. When you see a friend suffering as you are, it definitely ignites a fire in you. Great post Janetssa. Keep them coming.

    -Coach Mikey

  4. J i really like this post too. Especially the last pics. My biggest motivator is Izzy. I need to stay healthy for her. She's so active that i have too keep up with her.

  5. @Mikey: Thanks for being a great coach and motivator! thanks for commenting on the blog!

    @Jess: She is an AMAZING motivator! do it for her! shes only ganna start running faster! ;P thanks for commenting !
